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Monday, May 17, 2010

New Beginings and Old Habits

The Backstory

The start of something new, fresh and vibrant...  What gave me this opportunity?  Like many Americans during 2008-2010, I lost my job during the recession in 2009. 

I was trying to buy a house on contract through a family member and beginning to settle into a new relationship, we had just moved in together a few months prior and things were really working out well.. The job I had was decent money for the work, hours were terrible, but I managed for the start of this new family.  She, having a (at the time 4yrs old) son from a previous relationship, and I with no children of my own, found love and happiness.. Everything was wonderful!, little did we know, a storm cloud was brewing..

Things were great, and I mean great! Money was plentiful, I loved my job, she loved hers, her son has accepted me into their lives at this point, what more could you want!?..  Went into work after a rash of illness (quick backstory: I did miss a bit of work for illness earlier in the year, and used up sick days, I have terrible sinus problems and it hit me twice this year.. abnormal, but the job was also informed of this during my hiring interview) Anyhow, went into work after illness.. called in, they said it was fine and wouldn't be a problem, went in, got the sit down and the "were sorry, blah blah blah, here is your pink slip".. 

I was shocked, and devastated.. I just moved these two wonderful people into my home and now I had no way to help support my family!  I got out there that same day, busted my butt looking for a job, the next day the same, the next day after, again the same.. this continued for MONTHS!  How in the world could this be possible?!  I'm a certified network engineer?!  I could get a job making six figures 5 years ago, now, nothing..  I received these two comments the most during interviews:  Over qualified or Sorry, we need you to go get a bachelors in: etc...  I have 5 of the top certifications that you receive AFTER you go to college and more work experience that most anyone in this city... really?!

So, we skip forward a year later.. (yes, a year now).. At this point, I'm ready to just call it quits on the IT world and find something new.. Chandra, Dalton and I were still living together in the family members house, which by this time, was literally falling apart..  The basement has water pouring in anytime it rains, there is black mold in the basement, in our walls and we are getting sick.. very sick..  we had to change, we had to get out..  With just one steady income still, we had to look for any possible way out... we thought it impossible..  I was making money by building and selling analog synthesizers (another hobby of mine) and doing computer repair around town.. not what I used to earn, but it was something..  

Three major changes in both of our lives occur this year:  Dalton starts school, I take on the roll of the stay-at-home-dad..  Does that even happen?  More common than I thought these days.., and finally, we meet Steve McMichael, of Imagine Real Estate... New home, new life and a new start!!  We found a wonderful house, perfect neighborhood to raise our now 6 year old child, school right down the street..  We were able to overcome the odds at hand and still turn lemons into lemonade..  now, what does all this have to do with anything?!

Sometimes, life presents us with other options, other than what we want.. sometimes we do not know what we need and life has a funny way at pushing us right into it..  Life pushed me into cooking... and I have been on quite the adventure..  I'd like to share these adventures with anyone who will listen on a daily and weekly basis, in my blog named:  "What's 4 Dinner...  Dad?!"

My intention is to share my new appreciation and love for cooking with everyone.  I have been dabbling in the culinary arts for most of my adult life..  I've started to wonder if this is my calling, only time will tell.. SO, on to the first blogged meal! 



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